A very warm welcome to Amersham Bowls Club!
Bowls is a great sport. It is easy to learn, provides an outdoor physical activity and introduces an instant supportive community. Minimal equipment is required and all ages can participate.
Played at the highest level, bowls is a very skilful game, but it is an inclusive sport and can be played purely for social enjoyment.
At Amersham, we cater for everyone. There are opportunities for competitive bowling playing in leagues and cup competitions, but there are plenty of alternatives for casual and friendly participation. The bowls community is mutually supportive and our interaction with other clubs results in encounters played in good spirit. Laughter is not frowned upon, it is a common occurrence!
We have a dynamic and enthusiastic committee and as a result significant improvements have been made to our facilities over the last few years. We constantly strive to make the experience better.
Do come to meet us in the beautiful setting of Hervines Park. We are sure you will enjoy the experience. Bring the family, it is open to all!
David Balderson, Club Chairman

The present Amersham Bowls Club was founded in 1934 and moved to its present location in Hervines Park in 1965. Bowls in the town however goes back earlier. In June 1912, Dr and Mrs England were invited to open the Amersham and Chesham Bois Bowling Club where a new green and pavilion had been built between Sycamore Road and Parkfield Avenue, behind the Dial House. There is also photographic evidence of a bowling club in Amersham Common (images courtesy of Amersham Museum)

Amersham Common Bowling Club social event at White Lion Grounds July 8th, 1915. One of a series of photos of members of the Plummer family. The photo was reproduced in Bucks Advertiser on 7th March 1990 when Anne Mills was trying to trace some of the other people in the photo.

Our Green
We have a six rink green, maintained professionally with the aid of voluntary help from members. It is considered one of the best in the area and receives many complimentary comments from visiting players.
Our Sporting achievements
Last season, we had some success in county wide competitions.
A team from Amersham won the Ray Keen League South Division 4.
We also reached the semi-finals in the Bucks Plate (men) and the Burnham Plate (ladies).
We are hoping for more success this year.
Our Social activities
During the season, we have several fun bowls events including our annual Bonanza which often involves dressing up and usually finishes with a barbeque.
Social events e.g. quizzes and whist drives are held monthly through the off season.

Ladies pairs final

The English Language School end of year celebration
The club is keen to introduce the game of bowls to young people and those with disabilities. Sessions have been arranged with local schools, uniformed organisations, clubs for people with learning disabilities etc.
If any organisation would like to explore the possibilty of arranging a special session for its members, please contact us.
Members of the local U3A use our green for a weekly session each Wednesday morning(10.30 am - 12.30 pm) Details from David Tippins Tel. 07581 080755 or email u3agreenbowls@chiltern-u3a.org.uk
Bowls Miscellany
Bowls don't roll straight.
Lawn bowls have a bias, as they slow, they move to the left (forehand) or right (backhand) * allowing them (with skill) to bypass obstructing bowls blocking the jack.
* This applies to right handed players. For left handers, it is the opposite.
Click here for more information.
Bowls has been played in England since the 13th century, possibly earlier. Southampton Old Bowling Green, dating from 1299 is believed to be the world's oldest.
Sir Francis Drake
Legend has it that Sir Francis waited until until he finished his game on Plymouth Hoe before setting sail to successfully defeat the "Spanish Armada." In reality he was waiting for the right wind conditions.!